9/11 was an awful tradgedy and it affected many people. This guy was in the first tower on the 84th floor. He survived. Listen to his story, it's really inspiring. I like it a lot.
Friday, September 4, 2009
This Gave Me Chills
So my homepage is lds.org and I watched this video. I think this man is a good example of finding Joy in the Journey.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Apply for scholarships Win and get them doubled
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
As I wrote on my other blog, Tom left for his mission today. I gave him a letter before he "left." I put that in "" because we were already at the MTC and then we piled 10 people in a van and drove him around to the front of the MTC and to the drop off point.
Anyways, in the letter I gave Tom I gave him some advice. I told him to in every situation look for the positive. Which is what this blog is about!

So, here I am my best friend just left me for two years. It's awesome and sad at the same time. But I'm looking for the positive.
- I will probably do really well in school for the next two years
- I have yet another reason to scrapbook
- Tom will be working everyday to bring people to the gospel of Christ.
- I'll get letters
- I'll get to write letters
I'm sure there are other things. What can you think of?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Yukon Do It
This is a little lesson about having faith in yourself. Currently I am nannying for these people while the parents chill in Ireland for a week. My job is to basically drive the kids around, feed them, and make sure all heck doesn't break loose.
The biggest problem being they have a ginormous SUV, a Yukon, it's GMC. Anyways I'm not used to driving cars that big and the idea frightens me. Not that I really enjoy driving on busy roads already but doing it in a huge vehicle that isn't even mine does not help the matter.
Well I started practicing my driving with Bernt's truck before I got here. But really I was not feeling too great about it at all. Then today came and I got here and saw this monster of a vehicle I was like "oh gee wiz no way!"
They had me take it for a test spin and I actually feel ok with it. It's not bad at all really. A little scary backing out but that's it. So I think my pleas to Heavenly Father really helped a lot.
Just shows what prayer can do.
It also has a navigation system. This reminds me of an episode of the office which I would post a link to the clip but the parental controld prevent me from finding one. Maybe this will work.
The biggest problem being they have a ginormous SUV, a Yukon, it's GMC. Anyways I'm not used to driving cars that big and the idea frightens me. Not that I really enjoy driving on busy roads already but doing it in a huge vehicle that isn't even mine does not help the matter.
Well I started practicing my driving with Bernt's truck before I got here. But really I was not feeling too great about it at all. Then today came and I got here and saw this monster of a vehicle I was like "oh gee wiz no way!"
They had me take it for a test spin and I actually feel ok with it. It's not bad at all really. A little scary backing out but that's it. So I think my pleas to Heavenly Father really helped a lot.
Just shows what prayer can do.
It also has a navigation system. This reminds me of an episode of the office which I would post a link to the clip but the parental controld prevent me from finding one. Maybe this will work.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Charity Never Faileth
While thinking about what I wanted to do for my Philosophy of Service project I thought I had to first decide what my philosophy was. I concluded that it was all about love. From selfless love to selfish love, service is all about love in the end. Yes I agree that there are many components to service that must be included to make the experience successful but I believe that if love (of the people being served and of God) is the motivator behind the service then the service will have success.
But then came the hard part of putting my philosophy into a project. I've read the description of the assignment about a million times in the syllabus and I'm still hesitant about what to do.
But this is what I came up with...
I want to make a book of quotations and stories about how love relates to service. I guess almost like the Chicken Soup books. I think I would make it more like a scrapbook kind of thing though, with pictures. In class to present it I would show it to the class and maybe talk about my philosophy, maybe read a story or quotes.
I guess my idea of how it ties together is that I think that sometimes for myself I get too caught up in the world and myself, or I don't know how to help my friends when they are going through something difficult. And I think that the book will help me remember that service is a way to show my love and lend support to my fellow man.
I not only want to include the stories and quotes that everyone has heard but I'd like to interview people that I know personally and include their stories and thoughts on service. Because as I was thinking of the individuals who have helped influence my thoughts and insights, I thought it would be nice to have their ideas in the book too since they were such a big influence.
I'll call it "It's All About Love" or maybe something more clever than that...we'll see
I hope that works. I'm still a bit hesitant as I said but I think this will be a fun way to explore my philosophy on service. Thanks so much for all you do I love the class!
~Alicia M. Reynolds
What you have just read is a project proposal for my Learning Through Service class. And I'd like you to help me. There are no guidelines for the project really so here's what I'd like from you please. Could you write stories, your thoughts or quotes on serving with love. I'd like to focus more on the good end of serving to show your love for others and for God and showing God's love for others.
Here's my first reflection paper for the class. I think it kind of shows my thoughts for the project I think and my philosophy on service. I'll try to shorten it and just put in the most relevant thoughts.
"...What are my reasons for serving? Am I aiming for earthly goals or am I doing it because I feel charity for my fellow man? ...one of the greatest products of service; sharing God’s love. That is something I know many people, including myself, in the world struggle with. So many people just feel lost and alone here in this earthly life. Service is a way of showing people that they are cared for and loved. Now when I serve I try to think of the people I am helping. I think of how I can share God’s love for his children not just with words but with action."
See I shortened that greatly for you. mostly because there was an embarrasing story about my selfishness in there but you can see what I'm getting at here. The best part you're serving me by helping me out!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Good Weekends
This was a good weekend. I got to go rock climbing, hike the 'Y', go to Kelli's concert, Jenessa's Wedding Shower, play with friends, see Bride Wars, and a lot of people told I looked pretty. Also I got to play with my cousin Mike and some of his friends. I ate mozzarella sticks. And this really cute no hot guy got my number so I'm gonna say life is good. Also today I had to take two tests and I feel pretty good about both of them. I love prayer!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
My Paper
This is a paper I had to write for my Class. I think having a successful marriage and family is very key to having joy in the journey. Wouldn't you say? Anyways the paper had to be like a letter to an engaged sibling giving them advice. That's why it seems a bit informal and strange writing for a college paper. It's a bit lengthy But I'll put colours to make it more interesting! :D
To my Dearest Engaged Sibling,
I am so excited to hear the news of your engagement! This is such and important step in your life and I am glad you chose to share it with me. Choosing to start a life with another person whom you love is something God wants for you and is all part of his plan. Like it says in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” “marriage…is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His Children.” (1) It is so awesome that you have chosen to keep God’s commandment and seal your family for eternity in the temple of God. President Joseph Fielding Smith said, “The family is the most important organization in time or in eternity. Our purpose in life is to create for ourselves eternal family units. There is nothing that will ever come into your family life that is as important as the sealing blessings of the temple and then keeping the covenants made in connection with this order of celestial marriage.” (CR April 1972 p 13)
It is somewhat funny that you are asking me for advice, since I am not married, but you must have heard that I am in a Strengthening Marriage and Family class at BYU. So lucky for you I have lots of information on ways to strengthen marriage and family. Using the information from my class and information from the prophets on marriage, I will advise you on what to do for your engagement period, for establishing yourselves as a couple, and what you can do to develop a strong healthy marriage.
During the Engagement Period
Now that you are engaged there are many things that you can do to prepare for your marriage. An engagement period is a time for the couple to not only plan their wedding, but also their marriage. One thing that may be helpful as you plan your marriage would be to take a marriage prep course. In a 2002 study by Doherty and Carroll, they found that the average person who participated in a marriage prep course was significantly better off afterwards than 79% of people who did not participate. They also found that Premarital Preparation courses are effective in producing immediate short-term gains in interpersonal skills and overall relationship quality. A marriage prep course could be helpful as you prepare for your eternal family. An important thing to focus on is families, even now when you may think you are not yet part of a family. The Proclamation is given to the world, meaning it applies to everyone no matter his or her stage in life. Our focus should be on the family because that is what at the center of Heavenly Father’s Plan of Happiness. This is something on which you and your fiancĂ© could be focusing. One way to do this is to decide now what you want to do as a family later down the line. Decide now about family home evening, family prayer and family scripture study. These things will help your family now and in the future to stay on the right path towards the celestial kingdom. Another way to stay focused on the family is to understand and gain a testimony of the purposes of marriage. This can be done through studying the Proclamation and the things prophets have said about marriage pertaining to God’s Plan of Happiness. Elder John H. Groberg taught that the first step towards temple marriage is to gain a testimony of temple marriage. Gaining a testimony of temple marriage will give you the motivation to take the steps and do the things that will lead you down the path to entering into the holy order of God. Because marriage for eternity is such a huge step in a person’s life it is important to make sure that one is not getting married for the wrong reasons, such as for appearance, fun, exciting, etc. The engagement is a time for the couple to evaluate their relationship to make sure that these are not the deciding factors in the relationship. Important relationship factors are commitment to the gospel, patience, honesty, hard working, family-oriented and other such attributes that matter on the eternal perspective. It is also important that you are able to see your fiancĂ© in various situations to know their true character and that it is not just an act they are putting on for you. It is easy when you are dating to always have your best foot forward and to hide some of your faults. However, it is not so easy after marriage. That is why you two should discuss your relationship with honesty, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses you have in the relationship. This way you can enter your marriage with open eyes and heart. If it is found that there are potential problems, remember an engagement is not a marriage, and you are not under any obligation to marry the person. Some reasons to consider breaking off your engagement are:
Lack of love, meaning your relationship should be based on friendship and trust, not physical attraction.
Your partner tempts you to break commandments or covenants.
Partner doesn’t inspire the best in you
You have serious issues with their personality traits. A question you need to ask yourself is if you could live with their quirks for eternity.
There are unresolved family background issues that interfere with your relationship.
It may be tough to break off an engagement because of all the social, financial, and personal pressures that go with an engagement but Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, and marrying a person under any of these circumstances would not bring happiness. That is why throughout your courtship you should stay close to Heavenly Father, seeking his guidance and confirmation of your choices. He will either give you a confirmation or caution you against your choice with a “stupor of thought.” (D&C 9:8-9) The engagement is a wonderful period in your relationship and I hope you have found my advice for this time helpful.
Establishing Coupledom
Establishing yourselves as a couple when first married can be challenging, but there is some helpful advice I can give. When you first move in together after your wedding, some differences may arise that you may see as a challenge. The best way to deal with these challenges is to demonstrate humor when facing them. In the October 2008 conference Elder Wirthlin gave a talk titled, “Come What May and Love It.” He said the first antidote for challenges is to “learn to laugh.” Laughing can help the stress to melt away and let you see that your problems are not to big to tackle. Another method for confronting these challenges is to exercise patience and overlook small irritations. Do not forget that you love each other and that sometimes differences are a good thing. Showing that you can work through differences without upsetting your entire marriage will help you to gain an identity as a couple. People will see that you work well together, establishing a couple identity. On this subject, President Spencer W. Kimball said, “Couples do well to immediately find their own home, separate and apart from that of the in-laws on either side. Your married life should become independent of her folks and his folks.” The couple needs time to adjust to their new situation and to become independent of their families. If a couple finds that they are having trouble with enmeshment (parents and children always having to be together) then there are some things they can do to remedy the situation. First, the child should express their love for their parents. Then they should explain the need to strengthen their couple identity and their expectations of family and couple relationship. (Helping 329) If the problem with enmeshment goes on unsolved it could lead to triangulation where the communication between a parent and a child is stronger than that of the child and their spouse.(Helping 329) Discussing boundaries with the in-laws at the beginning can be helpful in stopping these problems from occurring. Some extended families may want a couple at every family event or to help the couple with every problem. However, the Proclamation counsels against this saying, “Extended families should extend support when needed.” (7) Allowing a couple to solve their own problems and establishing their own traditions at holidays helps them to grow closer. However, this does not mean that a couple should completely cut themselves off from their extended family. Elder Marvin J. Ashton gave counsel on the subject when he said, “Certainly a now-married man should cleave unto his wife in faithfulness, protection, comfort, and total support, but in leaving father, mother and other family members, it was never intended that they now be ignored, abandoned, shunned or deserted. They are still family, a great source of strength.” Using the counsel given by the leaders of the Church and in the Proclamation a couple can have great success at establishing themselves in their new life.
Developing a Strong, Healthy Marriage
Developing a strong, healthy marriage is important and can bring many benefits to the family. The first thing you should decide, as a couple is that you would like your marriage to be successful. My professor, Dr. David C. Dollahite, showed us in class a way to stay on the path to successfully keeping the covenant of eternal marriage. The first decision you need to make as a couple would be to practice fidelity. The Proclamation warns against those who break this commitment saying that they “will one day stand accountable before God.” (8) Infidelity is also a great way to ruin a marriage, being the leading cause of divorce today. If a couple is committed to each other then they have surely started on the right path to a great marriage. To further strengthen the marriage Dr Dollahite also suggests that the couple also regularly attend the temple, serve one another and others, practice kindness, meekness and forgiveness, have a purpose in progressing the relationship, build the Kingdom together and raise righteous posterity. All of these things are intertwined and will help couples to develop a strong and healthy marriage. President Hinckley also gave advice on ways to strengthen marriage in his commencement address at BYU in April of 1995. He said,
“And when you are married be fiercely loyal to one another. Selfishness is the great destroyer of happy family life. I have this one suggestion to offer. If you will make your first concern the comfort, the well-being, and the happiness of your companion, sublimating any personal concern to that loftier goal, you will be happy and your marriage will go on through eternity.”
Going along with the principle of being selfless I think is having equality in the home. The Proclamation teaches us that mothers and fathers are to “help one another as equal partners.” (¶7) “President Benson taught that the patriarchal order is the family order of government, presided over by mothers and fathers.”(Strengthening p66) Elder Richard G Scott expounds on this and explains saying, “In the Lord’s plan, it takes two- a man and a woman- to form a whole. Indeed, a husband and a wife are not two identical halves, but a wondrous, divinely determined combination of complementary capacities and characteristics.” Not being two identical halves but having equal partnership points to the sacred responsibilities fathers and mothers hold in the home. The Proclamation says the father is to preside in righteousness, provide the necessities of life for their families, and protect them too. Mothers have the sacred responsibility to nurture the children.(¶7) Fulfilling the sacred eternal roles set forth in the Proclamation is an excellent way to maintain a strong healthy marriage. Another very important principle that teaches how to achieve this kind of marriage is found, again, in the Proclamation . “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome recreational activities.” (¶7) If marriages are founded on such values and the teachings of Christ, many benefits can be found. The first is being sealed to your family for eternity, and there is no greater blessing than that. Also studies have found that married people are usually healthier, happier and wealthier than non-married people.(Strengthening p18-20) Marriage also benefits couples and individuals by providing a spiritual connection to their deepest values (such as religion), satisfies the human need for emotional and physical closeness, and among other things, offers legal rights and privileges. The benefits of a strong and healthy marriage can be reaped if you commit to having a successful marriage and follow the counsel of the leaders of the Church and the Proclamation.
The leaders of the Church and the Proclamation to the World are very helpful when planning a marriage during your engagement, establishing an identity as a couple, and strengthening your marriage. I am so happy that you are getting married. I hope the advice and counsel given in this letter are helpful to you too. I love you with all my heart.
Alicia M. Reynolds
Friday, February 6, 2009
Strengthening Marriage and Family Thursday
We talked about the Church's position on same-sex marriages, Proposition 8, and the legal mess that is sure to come up soon, no matter what side you are on.
We talked about how if same-sex marriages were legalized then it would have far-reaching consequences. Some of these being having to teach kids in school about these marriages. And having to adopt kids to same-sex couples. Evidence that LDS Adoption services would be required to do that is the Catholic Adoption agency in Mass that had to close because they refused to adopt to same-sex couples, despite being owned by a private organization.
The Church's position on the subject is made very clear in the Proclamation when it says marriage is ordained by God to between a man and woman.
strengthening marriage and family
This last week in class, on Tuesday, we talked about the Path to Succesfully Making the Eternal Covenant of Marriage. Here it is
First you need to accept meaning you have to gain a testimony of marriage as an eternal calling and covenant.
Then is to intend. You need to intend to enter the Holy Order of Marriage.
Seek is next. We need to have righteous expectations as we seek an eternal companion.
Court. We need to approach courtship as a purposeful sacred process.
Preserve. Preserve our purity and chastity, our clarity and confidence.
Choose. Make a choice and confirm it with the Lord. Instead of asking "is he/she the one?" ask "may I marry him/her?"
Finally Act. We need to press forward with faith and act on our decisions.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bad Days at Work
So I think everyone has one of these. Like me today. When I first got there I spent my first hour peeling bananas...lol that sounds funy. Anyways at lunch I had to reclean my entire area because the guys who were supposed to didn't.
But that is just an example, I think that sometimes I get so frustrated with stupid little things like the guys not doing their job that I forget the whole picture. I'm obviously not the only one being effected here. The supervisors are most definately seeing them not working and they will get in trouble. And I think I should have told them things they could do. Maybe they hadn't worked at wrap bar before, perhaps I should have told them what was expected of them... I don't know. I think I get too focused on what's bothering me that I forget about the other people around me.
I think some joy I found in my journey at work today is that I got 3 cookies. And I got paid and getting money is always good. I was able to help people out with their jobs and still get mine done. My supervisor at work kept telling me how amazing I am.
So maybe next time I'm starting to have a bad day at work I should step back and think of the other people around me and what I can do for them. We can find joy through serving others. That's definately the truth.
What do you do when you have a bad day at work?
But that is just an example, I think that sometimes I get so frustrated with stupid little things like the guys not doing their job that I forget the whole picture. I'm obviously not the only one being effected here. The supervisors are most definately seeing them not working and they will get in trouble. And I think I should have told them things they could do. Maybe they hadn't worked at wrap bar before, perhaps I should have told them what was expected of them... I don't know. I think I get too focused on what's bothering me that I forget about the other people around me.
I think some joy I found in my journey at work today is that I got 3 cookies. And I got paid and getting money is always good. I was able to help people out with their jobs and still get mine done. My supervisor at work kept telling me how amazing I am.
So maybe next time I'm starting to have a bad day at work I should step back and think of the other people around me and what I can do for them. We can find joy through serving others. That's definately the truth.
What do you do when you have a bad day at work?
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Strengthening Marriage and Family
So in class on Thursday we learned about reasons why you should consider breaking up with someone. I will share the list here.
- Lack of Love
- Partner tempts you to break commandments or covenants
- Partner doesn't inspire best in you
- You have serious issues with their personality traits
- There are unresolved family background issues
Um about these well. The lack of love I think is obvious, if you hate the person or you want to throw up everytime you see them I think you should end the relationship. Anyways also I think it means that your relationship should probably be founded on friendship and trust not just physical attraction.
3-it doesn't mean the partner is a bad person but that for you they just don't inspire you to be better and the best.
4-I think that's self explanitory
5- If the issues interfere with your relationship.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Begining
So I got an iPod for Christmas. Wicked awesome right?! I know. Anyways I decided I would put General Conference on there so I could listen to it. Well I was listening to President Monson's talk about finding Joy in the Journey. And also Elder Wirthlin's talk about being able to laugh at yourself and being happy. Those two talks combined with a talk of President Eyrings from a past General Conference about looking for ways God has blessed you each day, inspired me to start this blog.
Here I'll write about things that show the way God loves us, his children, and the way he blesses us. Sometimes we might not understand why things are unfolding the way they are, but we just have to put our faith and trust in God and he won't lead us away. I mean he gave up his only begotten Son for us I don't think that was all for nothing.
I noticed I'm not always a happy optimistic person and so I'm hoping taking time to ponder about the ways of how blessed I am will help me to realize that my drama is not all that big of a deal. Yes I think this will be a fun endeavor.
And I want people to comment and talk about ways they've noticed God in their lives as well. It doesn't have to be anything huge. For instance today, I'm so excited because I get to play with Jenessa and go visiting teaching. And the sun is shining today so it's a perfect day to use my pinhole camera. And our landlord came and fixed the leak so we got to clean our kitchen and I fixed our broken light in our room.
I'm so grateful for the sunshine and the opprotunity I have to be here in Utah going to BYU, even though I complain about it a lot. I really do love it. And I have amazing family & friends who I love dearly.
Also I'm in a Strengthening Marriage and Family Class and we are supposed to share what we learn in class so I may do some posts on those topics at times. On tuesdays and Thursdays specifically.
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