Wednesday, June 24, 2009


As I wrote on my other blog, Tom left for his mission today. I gave him a letter before he "left." I put that in "" because we were already at the MTC and then we piled 10 people in a van and drove him around to the front of the MTC and to the drop off point.

Anyways, in the letter I gave Tom I gave him some advice. I told him to in every situation look for the positive. Which is what this blog is about!

So, here I am my best friend just left me for two years. It's awesome and sad at the same time. But I'm looking for the positive.

  • I will probably do really well in school for the next two years
  • I have yet another reason to scrapbook
  • Tom will be working everyday to bring people to the gospel of Christ.
  • I'll get letters
  • I'll get to write letters
I'm sure there are other things. What can you think of?