Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yukon Do It

This is a little lesson about having faith in yourself. Currently I am nannying for these people while the parents chill in Ireland for a week. My job is to basically drive the kids around, feed them, and make sure all heck doesn't break loose.
The biggest problem being they have a ginormous SUV, a Yukon, it's GMC. Anyways I'm not used to driving cars that big and the idea frightens me. Not that I really enjoy driving on busy roads already but doing it in a huge vehicle that isn't even mine does not help the matter.
Well I started practicing my driving with Bernt's truck before I got here. But really I was not feeling too great about it at all. Then today came and I got here and saw this monster of a vehicle I was like "oh gee wiz no way!"
They had me take it for a test spin and I actually feel ok with it. It's not bad at all really. A little scary backing out but that's it. So I think my pleas to Heavenly Father really helped a lot.
Just shows what prayer can do.

It also has a navigation system. This reminds me of an episode of the office which I would post a link to the clip but the parental controld prevent me from finding one. Maybe this will work.