Friday, February 6, 2009

strengthening marriage and family

This last week in class, on Tuesday, we talked about the Path to Succesfully Making the Eternal Covenant of Marriage.  Here it is

First you need to accept meaning you have to gain a testimony of marriage as an eternal calling and  covenant.
Then is to intend.  You need to intend to enter the Holy Order of Marriage.
Seek is next.  We need to have righteous expectations as we seek an eternal companion.
Court.  We need to approach courtship as a purposeful sacred process.
Preserve.  Preserve our purity and chastity, our clarity and confidence.
Choose.  Make a choice and confirm it with the Lord.  Instead of asking "is he/she the one?"  ask "may I marry him/her?" 
Finally Act.  We need to press forward with faith and act on our decisions.

1 comment:

Jenessa said...



It works.